Total: $0.00

Please help us build and maintain the Chico High School Veteran’s Ring of Honor by purchasing a dedication brick for the Veteran’s Plaza. You may purchase a brick to honor ANY veteran, not just a Chico High Veteran, and you may purchase bricks for more than one Veteran. Note that we only have a limited number of spaces for bricks. Unfortunately they are first come – first served. We will not be able to accept additional orders once the space is filled.

Please follow the instructions below to build your brick and then complete the order with a credit card. You will be able to actually see what your brick will look like! All profits go toward building the Veteran’s Plaza and Veteran’s Ring of Honor. Your purchase will be completed by a secure PayPal credit card account linked to the Golden Valley Bank Community Foundation – 501(c)(3) Tax I.D. #20-8398003

You may also purchase a mini-brick identical to your large brick. These are great for your desk top, wall or to send to a distant Veteran who isn’t able to see their actual brick in the plaza. Mini bricks will be handed out at the Memorial Day dedication or sent to those who aren’t able to attend.

Thank you for supporting the Chico High School Veteran’s Ring of Honor!

Get Started

Design Your Brick

60% Complete

Select A Brick Size

4x8 Veterans Brick


4x8 Appreciation Brick


Add artwork and custom message:

Select artwork:

Would you like to use custom artwork on your brick?

Choose font:

Enter message:

Enter the text that you'd like to appear on the brick. There is a maximum of three lines of text, with 19 characters per line.


Customer Information:

Replica Brick:

Replica bricks are a great way to commemorate your involvement with a project. Perfect for displaying home or office, a replica brick will serve as a lasting reminder of your contribution.